Student in the Doctor’s Program (Graduated in FY 2003)
Student in the Doctor’s Program
(Graduated in FY 2003)
Why did you choose to study in Computer Science Course?
I acquired a new personal computer as a junior high school student, and since then, I became interested in the mechanisms and programming of computers. This interest led me to the School of Informatics and Mathematical Science. I learned that the School had a Computer Science Course and Applied Mathematics and Physics Course after entering it. My field of interest had not changed from the time when I entered the School, so I selected the Computer Science Course.
Did your impressions about Computer Science Course change after starting to study in the Course?
What impressed me were the classes of experiments of computer science. Classes today are slightly different from those I had then, but I still remember the experiment of producing a CPU using field-programmable gate arrays, compiler creation, and the experiment of pattern recognition.
Could you describe your experience in Computer Science Course?
Benefits of studying in Computer Science Course:
As I previously mentioned, the classes involving experiments were highly beneficial to me. They gave me the opportunities of actually producing the mechanisms and programming of computers, which matched what I had hoped to learn when I decided to enter the School of Informatics and Mathematical Science.
What impressions do you have about the time you spent as a member of a laboratory in fourth year?
Before becoming a member of the laboratory, I did not know what research is all about, and I expected that research would be to create or discover something new. After I became a member of a laboratory, I learned that research activities include presentations at conferences and the publication of papers. Through these experiences I had many new experiences. After becoming a member of the laboratory, I was able to talk with the staff and graduate program students more frequently, and it was very helpful for research.
What did you do when you were not studying?
This may depend on the laboratory, but in my case, I became increasingly occupied with research after becoming a member of the laboratory and entering the master's program. I did not participate in any extracurricular cultural or athletic clubs, but today, I think I should have participated in extracurricular activities during the first three academic years.
Advice to High School Students
When I was a high school student, the Internet was not available. Accordingly it was difficult to learn about universities and laboratories. Today high school students can have easy access to the Internet, and I think it is a good idea to visit the web sites of universities you are hoping to study at, or the web sites of laboratories, which are usually linked from the university web sites.