Programming Contest

The ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest (ACM/ICPC) is organized every year by the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), a worldwide computer science association, to enhance college students' programming techniques and to provide an opportunity of developing international friendship. The contest consists of qualifying Domestic Contests, Asian Regional Contests, and the World Finals. In 2007, the World Finals was held in Tokyo on March 12–16. More than 6,000 teams participated in the preliminary contests from more than 1,700 universities in more than 80 countries.

At the Kyoto University, Professor Taiichi Yuasa of the School of Informatics and Mathematical Science served as the supervisor of the teams. From the School of Informatics and Mathematical Science, two or more teams participate in this contest every year and achieve excellent results. At the 2007 World Finals, a team from this School finally ranked the 14th among 88 teams, which was the highest among all the teams from Japanese universities.

Not only freshmen but also senior-year students are highly encouraged to participate in this contest.


Awarded the 1st President Prize of Kyoto University for Achievements in ACM/ICPC 2004 Regionals, 2005 World Finals and 2005 Regionals.


The Kyoto University Team at the ACM/ICPC World Finals in March 2007.

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